Tuesday 25 February 2014

People in the Service Industry? They're Just Like You and Me

So I was queuing up for food with a bunch of my friends.

I greeted the worker and had a minor chat with her - nothing much, just making small talk like "How are you" and all that. One of my friends commented on it, remarking on it being easy for me to talk to people in the service industry.

Honestly, in my opinion it's not that difficult. Gather a small bit of courage, and take a minute or two to talk with the people - believe me, there's so much depth to them. They have stories to tell, lessons to give to you (indirectly) and so much more.

Last year, I became friends with a cafeteria worker who worked in the Hot 'N' Roll stall for my campus. Yes. Friends. I made it a point to visit her a few times a month, greet her often and have several talks with her. Initially, she was quite surprised (not that I blame her for that) - and judging from her reaction, not many do talk to her.

It kinda made me sympathize and have pity on her and other workers. The cleaners/janitors (I talk with them too sometimes) had the same reactions when I greeted them and the like. Security guards, too.

I find it sad, that they're so used to being in the background.

But I admire them, that they work tirelessly to meet their needs. To survive. That kind of drive and perseverance..it's really admirable.

Yeah. They might not be rich. They might not have fancy jobs. They might not have finished their studies. But their drive and perseverance? It really makes one think.

It also makes me appreciate my life more, and drives me to never, ever stop making it a point to talk to them. These people, these people who work in the background - the servers and the cafeteria workers, the security guards and the janitors - they shouldn't be ignored.

They are people. Just like you and me.

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